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分类: 艾罗若帕基诺(Eloro-Pachino)法定产区珍藏葡萄酒
产地: 布法乐菲/文迪卡里 (C.da bufalefi / Vendicari)
海拔: 70米
葡萄品种: 100%酒庄自产黑达沃拉,有机认证种植
栽培技术: 搭建葡萄架,束带式单干种植,短梢修剪
收获期: 九月的第三个星期
酿酒工艺: 手工采摘、挑选葡萄,轻柔压榨,控温自然发酵,控温软压榨(0.8巴),不锈钢容器、橡木桶及玻璃瓶陈酿
酒精含量: 14,5%
配餐建议: 肉类,烤鱼, 炖鱼,陈年奶酪
饮用建议: 最佳饮用温度16-18°C,最适合的酒具是球形玻璃酒杯。

(Astro Nero)

Astro Nero is produced in the native districts of the Nero d‘Avola, born between Noto and Pachino, the cru of the variety. Nero d’Avola unblended, late harvest, aged at least 3 years and kept in oak barriques for at least 8 months. It presents an intense, deep, brilliant and involving ruby red colour. Smooth and elegant scents of plum, cherry, cocoa and spices. Intense, persistand and velvety taste of red berries with sweet notes of vanilla at the end, pleasantly tannic.
